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Your Porn Addiction

AN IN-DEPTH Analysis of How Online Pornography Contributes to the Rape, Enslavement, and Trafficking of Women and Children

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It comes down to basic economics—supply and demand. There is a demand for sexual perversions, and the market is meeting it. From Belle Delphine and her “GamerGirl Bath Water” going for thirty bucks a pop, to fetishes that defy the average understanding. Whether you like it or not—accept it or don’t, there is a correlation between porn addiction and the sexual enslavement of woman and children. 

You doubting this claim? 

Are you afraid that if you read any further you’ll second guess your next Pornhub* click? Are you in denial that there is a serious human trafficking problem within the United States? Good, because that is the whole point of this article—that is only point I’m trying to make.

*THe Latest WIth PornhUb: MONTREAL — September 13, 2023

In a recent exposé by undercover journalist Arden Young with Sound Investigations, the “loopholes [used by] traffickers and rapists to exploit the system to upload abhorrent content” was revealed by a MindGeek exec (Pornhub’s parent company). Mike Farely, the technical product manager at MindGeek, revealed to Young in amazing detail of how rapists and human traffickers have been able to monetize the porn site. This problem was originally exposed by the New York Times, and although Pornhub claimed to have fixed the issue, not only did they fail to do so, they have no plan to in the future.

In the simplest of terms, those that upload content go through a mundane verification process by uploading their government issued IDs and then their pornographic content. The loophole is this: if the uploaded pornography does not show the faces—or blurs the faces—of the individuals in the video, the “legal” IDs of those uploading the videos can simply state that it is them in the video, just so long as they fit the general physical description of those in the videos.

“For example, I could sign up tomorrow. I submit my ID, I'm putting all my real identification, my bank account and everything. And I just rip content from other people where it likes oh, this guys body could be mine based on my face. I don't know, something like that. This guy, okay, whatever. He looks kind of similar. I could just rip those videos, upload them as my own, and the people who view my video will probably be like, yeah, this is him in the video. And be like, that's close enough and I'm going to make thousands of dollars.”

—Mike Farley, Technical Product Manager at MindGeek

Pornhub is fostering is a worldwide market for these heinous crimes against humanity to occur, and according the Farley, the people in charge of the company know exactly what’s going, not to mention the simple fact that government officials have already done their investigations and were satisfied the situation.

What is the Problem With Addiction?

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If you really think you may have an addiction or a problem, this is not the article for you. However, before we elaborate on human trafficking, we first need to establish what addiction is, the problems that arise from it, and more specifically, the overall effect of porn addiction—we need to set the stage and make sure we’re all on the same page.

The textbook definition of addiction is “a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects.” If we elaborate even further, an addiction can create “anxiety, irritability, tremors, or [even] nausea upon abstinence” and is a “chronic dysfunction of the brain that involves reward, motivation, and memory.”

Now, experts say that sexual addiction is a little more complex, but it really isn’t...

Anything that involves the amount of money the porn industry has access to, and the powerful emotions sexual stimulus has is bound to create waves when threatened (Jeffery Epstein ring a bell?). So, it’s no wonder that there are advocates that say there’s no such thing as a porn addiction, citing “new research”. Not only can I easily find contradictory claims to the porn-addiction-isn't-a-real-thing experts, if the standards they claim are applicable to porn addiction’s lack of viability, how is gambling addiction not put under the microscope of skepticism as well? If the psychological and social hinderance of impulsively betting your money is a clinically defined problem, how are hyper, uncontrolled sexual urges not? Is not the desire to have sufficient funds and resources not a base instinct comparable to reproduction and intimacy?

Am I making any sense?

There is at least an obvious psychological addictive appeal to sexual fetishes, fantasies, and novelties, if not a strong argument for physiological and socially unhealthy secondary effects, and like any clandestine behavior, pornography can metastasize into perversions and extreme destructive behaviors—hence human trafficking, pedophilia, incest, and child pornography. I am not saying that just because you look at porn that this is the equivalent of raping a child. I’m also not going to hide my obvious bias against an industry that thrives from sexual exploitation, but to debate the social constructs of the general culture around sex is a tangent better left for another day.

Here, the entire conversation is about the extreme behaviors that stem from pornography.

Some Basic Statistics on Pornography and Human Trafficking

In 2018 a study was done that showed the moral stance of Americans when it comes to pornography and of those respondents, 43% thought it to be morally acceptable. What’s even more startling, a 2008-2009 statistic from three separate police operations in that time showed that 12.9 million unique IP addresses were involved in peer-to-peer-filesharing of child pornography in the United States. That may seem a little out of date, but the truth of the matter is that the internet has not slowed down since 2009.

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According to data collected by the U.S. Department of State, the number of convictions around the world for human trafficking related offences has seen a rise of 4,905 from 2009 to 9,071 in 2016.

There are a number of factors to consider here like an increase in awareness from public and law enforcement, but there might also be the fact that more people are engaging in fringe behavior. Regardless, of those victimized by human trafficking, nearly a third are children.

According to one report on domestic minor sex trafficking, survivors indicated that at times they were “advertised” to on porn sites further supporting the claim that pornography fuels sex trafficking.

In 2019, the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline reported that pornography was the 3rd most common form of sex trafficking, and that job offers/advertisements were in the top 5 recruitment tactics for sexual exploitation and trafficking.

There is research to also suggest that Google image searches and search trends show that “teen” is one of the most consistently popular porn themes, and that it is not only increasing in popularity but includes the portrayal of underage, fictional characters.

Lastly, of domestic minor trafficking victims forced into porn production, the average age for those engaged in online prostitution and stripping was 14.2. The average age for those engaged in street prostitution was 13.8, and for those reporting being forced into the porn industry, the average age drops down to 12.8, meaning before they were even teenagers these minors were being filmed for sexual purposes.

For more facts about Pornography and Human Trafficking see: Fast Facts - Fight the New Drug

American Politics: A Love-Hate Relationship with Children

Now that we got that out of the way, it is no secret that President Old Man Joe loves the smell of hair, and as much of a parody as this President is to the Nation, what isn’t a joke is Joe Biden and his administration’s war against our children. From the teacher’s unions destroying the education system of schools across America, to the constant cringe factor of “Lunch Bucket Joe”, we can add one more reason to the list of why Biden does not give a damn for the future generation.

Let’s start with his own legacy—Hunter Biden. 

Let’s ignore the Tony Bobulinski and “the big guy” portion of the laptop scandal for a moment, and focus solely on the President’s son Hunter Biden. If Donald Trump Junior did anything as perverse as balancing “a line of M&M candies on his erect penis and then took pictures of it”, the Liberal Left would have definitely been successful of removing the 45th President from office.

And I’m only getting started. 

From the get go, President Trump, his administration, and his family combatted human trafficking. In 2017, Ivanka Trump hosted an Anti-Human Trafficking roundtable “to understand the scope of the issue, as well as gathering recommendations from the academic, public, and private sector.” Timothy Ballard, founder and President of Anti-Human Trafficking organization Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), worked extremely close with President Trump and his administration throughout the entire deration of his term to combat the very real, serious, and growing threat that our children face—that being sexual exploitation and trafficking. And in January of 2020, President Donald Trump created federal legislation to help fight human trafficking by dedicating a new White House position, the Anti-Human Trafficking Czar, stating that his administration is “100 percent committed to eradicating human trafficking from the earth," calling the practice a form of “modern-day slavery.”

Now let’s contrast that with Biden and his administration*.

One of the last efforts Trump and his administration gave the fight against modern slavery was what was called Operation Talon, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) operation geared towards targeting illegal immigrants with “sex crime convictions to include child molestation.” That all changed when Biden’s horrendous crisis at the border turned into a humanitarian disaster. Now, “fact-checkers” clearly have been putting in leg work for old Joe claiming that his administration either: “had nothing to do with [cancelling the operation]” or that “Operation Talon has been postponed” not cancelled.

Let’s put all of that through the Bull-Shit-to-English translator. 

Assuming that both those fact-checking claims are true, let me ask this: why the hell didn’t Biden get more involved with Operation Talon? Why isn’t human trafficking on this senile president’s agenda?

With Senator Ted Cruz’s attempts to expose the cover up at the border, it has become apparent that Biden’s border policy has been a very serious humanitarian issue, which we can assume is the reason a judge ordered the administration to reinstate Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy. Not only was the basic human treatment under pandemic conditions laughable at best, but when a wide-open border policy is supported or ignored or mitigations have been “postponed”, Joe Biden is simply declaring to the world that America is a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators. When there is no security nor proper protocol to verify the identity of “these parents” of children, it is all too easy to have any adult traffic any child for any reason.

It’s asinine. 

But, remember when President Trump was mocked for making references to Coyotes in the Presidential Debate? The fact that this and the term “coyote” in search engines spiked by 675% after the final debate, it all tells us how out of tune the general population is with the human trafficking crisis that plagues this country, its citizens, and more specifically our children. An open border is free reign for traffickers, coyotes, and human scum to expose the vulnerable and innocent to hell on earth.

*And here’s a fun fact in case you missed it (and by “fun” I mean absolutely disgusting). UN officials have been forcing hungry children in third world countries to perform oral sex on them for food. That’s one way to solve world hunger I guess…

Source 1: UN officials 'force children to perform oral sex for food' in warzones | Express.co.uk

Source 2: Elon Musk Asks About UN Demanding Sexual Favors for Food | Louder With Crowder

Back to the Original Premise

We’ve already established that unbridled passions can move people to the fringe of society and culture—human-trafficking and child molestation being the example here. It would take a strong, effective argument to convince me that anything about the porn industry is moral, justifying its existence, but let’s ignore the relative nature and assume that normal consumption of pornography is healthy.

First of all, that doesn’t really refute the argument that “pornography addiction leads to human trafficking.” It actually supports it because if we understand that “normal consumption” is not what leads to fringe actions, but rather, behavior that is abnormal or “addictive” can and does*. Ask any pedophile and I’m willing to bet that pornography played (and may still play) a major role in their sexual deviance

None of that makes any, average citizen complicit. 

What makes us all complicit in endangering the future of our kids is when we hyper fixate on one aspect of culture or society—like the mean Orange Man—while ignoring the atrocious behaviors of Hunter Biden, his decrepit father Joe, and the laughable decisions of the president’s administration. I use humor to keep from crying, but how can we justify what Biden did at the border? How do Liberals ignore the fact that they voted in a man whose foreign policy led us to the debacle in Afghanistan?

It’s simple. 

They’re political prostitutes whose only life value was to get Trump out of the White House, reclaiming the mantle of power. God bless anti-human trafficking organizations like O.U.R. and organizations like The Nazarene Fund who have stepped up when our political leaders have cowered to the woke, postmodern religious mob.

There is hope still for this country. 

*It’s a simple article, but I think it helps clarify what’s being said.